All About Opus

The Benefits of Opus Fractional Plasma

1 Relatively quick treatment duratiion – Up to 1 hour numbing prior to treatment may be necessary. 

2 Typically, up to 50% less downtime than traditional laser treatments. You may experience mild to moderate amounts of redness for up to 48 hours. After 24 hours many daily activities and be resumed with caution. 

3 This technology may be used on about any area of the body, including the face, neck, abdomen, and arms. Many patients love that this technology can be used on the delicate skin around the eyes safely.  Energy levels can be increased or decreased, and different tips can be fitted to target hard-to-reach areas. 

4 Fractional Plasma is safe for most skin tones and textures, which is not offered by traditional lasers.

5 Patients may typically return for their next treatment within 4-6 weeks. 

6 Long lasting results with proper UV protection and a good skin care regime. 

What can be treated with Opus?

Opus is the solution to many skin problems. It can be used in most areas of the body such as your face, eyelids, neck, décolleté, arms, legs, stomach, and hands. It helps rejuvenate the skin and build collagen both from the inside out and outside in.  

Fractional Plasma can treat problems such as skin laxity on the face, neck or eyelids. It can be a great alternative to a surgical eyelift. It treats acne scars, stretch marks and other scars all over the body. It can also remove sun damage and pigmentation issues from the face, hands arms or chest. The heating of the dermis helps reduce skin crepiness in the arms and legs. This is one of the most versatile treatments that can turn back time, recharge your skin and reduce pore size. 

Who is the ideal candidate?

One of the great benefits of Opus is it is safe for almost everyone. The concentrated radio frequency is highly versatile and can be customized to any skin type, tone, and damage. It can also be used on the skin and other sensitive parts of the body without any hesitation. Numbing cream is applied up to 1 hour prior to treatment to make this treatment more comfortable. Once the treatment is over, the area may feel like a sunburn. 

What to expect after treatment?

Your recovery process will depend on your treatment and your skincare goals. Most patients recover within 2 to 3 days, and only a few have reported swelling and a mild redness of the skin. Opus Fractional Plasma treatment can have 50% less downtime than traditional lasers meaning you can get back to your daily routine faster than you expected. 

Following the treatment, the treated area may feel like a sunburn. The first 24 hours are the most important to keep the area clean and apply only the creams provided or recommended. You are also recommended to avoid direct sun for about 2 weeks after the treatment to prevent any hyperpigmentation issues. You will see a noticeable improvement in your skin after the first treatment. However, a minimum of 3 treatments is recommended to achieve best results. A good home care routine and aesthetic treatments are recommended to protect your investment. 

What is plasma technology?

Fractional Plasma is radio frequency technology that rejuvenates the skin. It produces fantastic results that rival the aggressive CO2 treatment. The plasma frequency of this treatment jumpstarts collagen production, similar to micro-needling. 

This unique technology creates a thermal zone in the dermis and microscopic fractional ablative dots on the skin surface (the epidermis). 

The Bottom Line

Living with acne scars, stretch marks and surgical scars can be painful as well as depressing. Opus treatment delivers exceptional results after the first few sessions. There are minimal risks to this procedure, with little downtime and it’s entirely safe for all skin tone, damage, and sensitivity. Each treatment is controlled and tailored to your specific skin type and condition.